🚨Since April 27th, southern Brazil has been ravaged by heavy rains. As of May 12th, the toll of the Brazil floods stands at 143 fatalities, with 806 injured.
Following flooding, arboviral diseases such as dengue fever might surge. The stagnant water left behind after river overflow serves as breeding grounds for mosquitoes, amplifying the threat.
To respond rapidly and accurately to such emergencies, BioPerfectus presents our testing solutions for arboviral diseases. Our featured product, the Zika Virus / Dengue Virus / Chikungunya Virus Real-Time PCR Kit, can detect three arboviruses with just a single test.
If you are interested in our testing solutions for arboviral diseases, visit us at Expositores do 49º CBAC 2024 to learn more about our innovative offerings for arboviral diseases.
📆June 16-19 |📍Booth No. 56, Christmas Convention Center, Natal, Brazil
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