BioPerfectus Sexually Transmitted Infections Diagnostics Solutions

The BioPerfectus STI solutions offer dependable, high-throughput, and cost-effective results,facilitating the management of common, treatable bacterial STIs worldwide.

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Key Facts
High Risk Groups
2030 Sexually Transmitted Infections Policy
Incidence of four curable sexually transmitted infections and syphilis from new actions implemented under the strategy versus no new actions, 2020-2030
Impact and Coverage Indicators, Targets and Milestones for Sexually Transmitted Infections By 2030

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Several cost-benefit analysis show that the total cost of the general screening in young populations, which can easily be carried out for women in family planning centers, could save twice the cost of treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease caused by C. trachomatis and six times the total cost of C. trachomatis epidemics if late sequelae are taken into account (tubal infertility treatment, ectopic pregnancy).

BioPerfectus offers different solutions for STI asymptomatic screening and clinical diagnostics.
BioPerfectus targeting for fully automated and high throughput for asymptomatic screening solution.
Reliable results and flexibility are key points of clinical STI diagnostics solutions. Please find following for details.
BioPerfectus STI Clinical Testing Solution

Strong points:

  • Complete test panel for clinical STI diagnostics.

  • Reliable testing results compared with NGS.

  • Flexible combination and multi-tasking

  • Fully automated platforms with automated results interpretation.

  • Minimum hands-on time. Less errors and labor savings.


[2] At-Home Specimen Self-Collection and Self-Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening Demand Accelerated by the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Review of Laboratory Implementation Issues

[3] ECDC TECHNICAL REPORT Developing a national strategy for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections

[4] Global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections for the period 2022-2030

[5] Henry-Suchet J, Sluzhinska A, Serfaty D. Chlamydia trachomatis: faut-il dépister ou traiter systématiquement? Revue de la littérature et estimation co?t/bénéfice en France [Chlamydia trachomatis: should it be systematically be screened or treated? Literature review and cost/benefit estimation in France]. Contracept Fertil Sex. 1998 Feb;26(2):151-8. French. PMID: 9560916