
BioPerfectus Engages with Regional Pharmacy Council in Brazil


BioPerfectus was thrilled to recently visit the Regional Pharmacy Council of Mato Grosso (CRF-MT) in Brazil. The CRF-MT is a federal public institution in Brazil overseeing the pharmaceutical profession and acting as the executive body of the Federal Pharmacy Council.  This visit was part of BioPerfectus’s initiative to discuss ways to enhance healthcare services in Mato Grosso and across Brazil, contributing to the advancement of local public health.

During the meeting, the BioPerfectus team, led by Vice President Dr. Joseph Chow, introduced technological innovations in infectious disease diagnostics and women's and children's health.  They highlighted BioPerfectus's comprehensive Women’s Total Health Solution, which encompasses medical pads for daily care, self-sampling kits, and advanced testing for HPV, STDs, and vaginal microbiota. This integrated approach is designed to enhance privacy and convenience for women's health needs.

BioPerfectus anticipates fruitful discussions with CRF-MT that could lead to strengthened healthcare outcomes for the community.