Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or Sexually transmitted infectious (STIs) are diseases that can be spread via intimate physical or sexual contact by sexual fluids or blood. And human papillomavirus (HPV), of which some subtypes are the greatest risk factors of cervical cancer are most often spread through genital skin-to-skin contact. On January 25th, about one month before the valentine’s day approaches, the CDC had released a report called STD Incidence/Prevalence and Cost Estimates published on the Journal of the American Sexually Transmitted, stating that there are approximately 68 million people in the U.S. had an STI every day in 2018, meaning 1 in 5 Americans have a sexually transmitted infection.
For anyone who chooses to be sexually active means that you are at risk for STDs. Generally, vaccine and precautious sexual conduct can reduce the risks of getting infected. Using condoms during sex, having fewer partners and getting tested for an STD regularly are the main ways recommended by the CDC to prevent STDs.