Different diagnostic method of COVID-19
As winter moves in, COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and the number of deaths across the world are incredibly rising. In all its various methods, testing is and will be a mainstay for the foreseeable future. However, it is critical to choose the method of testing since the best solution may be not the same during the whole progression of COVID-19.
So far there are three main types of diagnostic tests of this pademic: molecular assays (PCR tests) that rely on nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) for detection of genetic sequences of the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease; immunoassays to test the antigen (antigen tests) or to test the antibody (antibody tests) that can be used to detect the presence of antigens by targeting the viral envelope or to detect antibodies that have been produced against the virus during the immune response.

Fig. 1 Test method vs. progression of infection based on dynamic concentration of different detect targets.
In addtion to different concentration of materials to be dectected based on the progression of the disease, there are other concerns that may affect the healthworkers’ decisions of diagnostic strategy.
Type of Test
Description and Application conditions
Most specific and sensitive, the gold standard of COVID-19 test.
Trained people and PCR laboratories are required.
Can be applied in major hospitals, CDC, public or private PCR laboratory.
Highly specific and sensitive for positive results.
Fast results; Easy to conduct.
Could be used in most hospitals, companies, schools, institute of health, even at home*.
Can show whether you've had COVID-19.
Fast results; Easy to conduct.
Help to follow the patient’s recovery process.
Could be used in most hospitals, companies, schools, institute of health, even at home*.
Fig. 2 General concerns to decide the detection strategy of COVID-19
*Home use rapid testing should be used in accordance with local regulations
As a public listed company in China, Bioperfectus has been dedicated to developing diagnostic products with world-class quality against infectious diseases ever since it was founded in 2010. We offer you a complete diagnositc solution of COVID-19 including PCR, antigen and antibody test to fight against this pandemic.

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